How different is growth path in mid size IT firms versus multinationals? (Ex-CTO Brainvisa Technologies.)
How different is growth path in mid size IT firms versus multinationals? (Vikas Kumar Ex-CTO Brainvisa Technologies.)
How different is growth path in mid size IT firms versus multinationals? (Vikas Kumar Ex-CTO Brainvisa Technologies.)
Transcript: See basic qualities expected fromn a commerce student by the industry are fundamental knowledge, Understanding the financial accounting, Understanding the accounting packages, Accounts finalization When I say account finalization, when the books of account are written now a days through e-technologies, You must be able to prepare a trial balance that is automatically drawn but you must be able to read the financial statements may be a trial balance may be a profit and loss account may be balance […]
Tell us something about your illustrious career and journey till now. (Alhad Nimbalkar – VP – Accenture Pvt. Ltd.)
Tell us something about your career and a journey till now – (Sudhanshu Raheja – MD, Vercingetorix Technologies)
What is leadership in absolution and what does it mean for a young graduate? (Alhad Nimbalkar – VP – Accenture Pvt. Ltd.)
What do we exactly mean by the term marketing? (Praisudi S – Manager in Retail Operations – D’decor Home Fabrics Pvt. Ltd.)
What is the weight-age distribution for aptitude,attitude and skills? (Pawan Gupta – Senior Vice President Web technologies – Softech Engineers Ltd)
How can a student create his/her resume uniquely so that his/her resume is noticed in crowd of thousands of other resumes? (Anil Shrivastava – Area Manager – Larswn & Toubro Limited)
Tell us something about your illustrious career. (Arvind Kapoor – Founder Saggezza)