What role does a fresher play in a large organization? (MD & CEO -I-Source Info systems Pvt Ltd)
What role does a fresher play in a large organization? (Jitendra Sardesai – MD & CEO -I-Source Info systems Pvt Ltd)
What role does a fresher play in a large organization? (Jitendra Sardesai – MD & CEO -I-Source Info systems Pvt Ltd)
Transcript: Traditionally human resource field it self reward in past 100 years starting from industrial revolution when a human being look at the just a pair of hands without any emotional attachment to it today HR become the central structure around the organization is build the journey has been looking HR pair of hand looking HR as central structure around which today an organization is build I think that’s being coming from last 100 or 150 years and I think thanks to the TATA’s who really […]
How important it is to be honest in this fiercely competitive age? (Tanaz Buhariwalla – VP,Business & Development – IDA Ireland)
Tell us something about your illustrious career. (Parag Maladkar – Marketing Head,BWIR)
What is code coverage? (Dinu Daniel – Module Lead – Persistent System Pvt. Ltd.)
How important do you find rewarding an employee by patting on his back or any form could boost his moral? (Anurag Bhatnagar – General Manager,The Westin,Pune)
Transcript: Both are sales. But the main difference is the amount of research work and the time you spent on the closing one sale. So if you are talking about a corporate sale, you basically look at the various stakeholders involved will make the final decision and abort the story that we need to have for each one of those people. So typically it takes more time and lot more involved efforts to close the same. Of course we trust the competition as well. […]
How important is it to be honest in this fiercely competitive age? (Rachana Mane – Senior Manager,Global Client Services – EXLService Holdings Inc)
What is required to prepare for a multi-cultural environment? (Arvind Kapoor – Founder Saggezza)
How do you get started into this business? (Karamveer Singh – Founder – Ayush Software Pvt. Ltd.)