What are the parameters that decide risk is worth or not? (CEO – LinguaNext Technologies Pvt. Ltd.)
What are the parameters that decide risk is worth or not? (Atul Tulshibagwale – CEO – LinguaNext Technologies Pvt. Ltd.)
What are the parameters that decide risk is worth or not? (Atul Tulshibagwale – CEO – LinguaNext Technologies Pvt. Ltd.)
Are there any sub-domains of sales in banking sector? (Shashikant Kamath – Regional Sales Head at HDFC Bank)
Tell us something about your illustrious career and journey till now. – (Mahesh Gosavi, Head HR, Quest Consultants Ltd.)
Tell us something about illustrious career.(Satish Pendse – President,Highbar Technologies Ltd. (HCC Group Company))
What are IT Products,Services and Solutions in generic terms and how are they different from each other? (Dhananjay Kulkarni – COO – Maven Systems Pvt Ltd)
What are the basic qualities that are required to have a good career in sales and marketing? (Vinay Kumar Heera – Team Operations Manager – Hutchison Global Services Pvt. Ltd.)
Any message or suggestion for fresher? (Abhishek Gupta, Team Leader -IBM)
Tell us something about your journey till now. (Bhushan Aher – Head – Technology – Ideacts Innovations Pvt. Ltd)
Transcript: Problem is going to occur in first level which will be HTML, JavaScript + CSS that will be continued to be one launcher. So pure browser based technologies which is JavaScript, CSS, HTML5 and Flash, that’s one area, I-phone is some other area and android is some other area and these three have to compete for the attention of customers and in the long term which nobody knows but I think as if today it can be any so […]
What should a fresher look at when he/she is new at learning-experience or pay-package? (Pritish Mallya – HR Head – PMAM IT Services PVT LTD)