What are the major types of software testing? (Senior Manager Operations – QED)
What are the major types of software testing? (Mukesh Rajpurohit – Senior Manager Operations – QED)
What are the major types of software testing? (Mukesh Rajpurohit – Senior Manager Operations – QED)
Transcript: These days in the metro and the bigger cities half of the start ups are into technology space. Because people think that it is easier to start in the technological space. But they forget to understand there is a lot of competition as compared to other businesses. But the main thing is the threshold to enter such start up are not very high and sales and marketing in the technology start ups are bit easier than other start ups. Let’s say you want to start some manufacturing kind of […]
What are the security improvements in SharePoint 2010? (Abhishek Gupta, Team Leader – IBM)
What are the programming languages that students need to excel? (Ramesh Mengawade – CEO – Opus Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd.)
Transcript: I want to answer this question majority of prospective of IT so in IT some project started and ended such thing turn on time and period basis so its ongoing task like we have to build portal for an organization, Document management system for a company so both of the prospective the people which is required in IT the most important thing is people and processes without people you cannot do anything there are machines over here and the computers will do what you tell […]
Transcript: I joined National Defence Academy in 1963 since then I am working for navy. After my graduation I join navy and when I was in my 4rt year in navy I was selected to do post-graduation at IIT Delhi. I finish my PG I realize the seriousness my life change being an electronic officer in navy our job was looking after everything that is not mechanical engineering were we had electronics, weapons, missiles etc… so there begin my journey […]
Transcript: First of all Banking is a specialized career which we say banker is always a banker in any way or the other. Now a lot of banks recruit particularly in private banks like ICICI, HDFC has their campuses of management colleges across the globe. Then you have public sector banks who has entrance papers for the post of probationary officers where you can apply and then you develop through hard work, understanding like smart people work for three years […]
Where can one get assistance for managing a business? (Sudhir Kabra – Chief Financial Officer – C-Saastra Solutions Pvt. Ltd.)
What is Thought Leadership? (T. K Basu – President and chief Executive Officer, India Telecom Infra Limited)
Transcript: Informal environment prospective, the first thing is that student who is employable would need to consider is whether he or he wanted to be in taxation profession itself or in the industry. Now both profession and industry offers job to students who are interested in the subject of taxation so the first therefore important decision that need to be made is whether he or she wanted this profession that is such as PWC or any other consulting organizations or […]