What is leadership in absolution and what does it mean for a young graduate? (VP – Accenture Pvt. Ltd.)
What is leadership in absolution and what does it mean for a young graduate? (Alhad Nimbalkar – VP – Accenture Pvt. Ltd.)
What is leadership in absolution and what does it mean for a young graduate? (Alhad Nimbalkar – VP – Accenture Pvt. Ltd.)
What is prepay concept is SAP ISU? (Rajeev Kohli – Technofunctional Consultant – IBM)
Tell us something about your illustrious career and journey till now. (Rahul Patwardhan – Vice chairman and Managing Director – IndaiCo Ventures Ltd.)
Transcript: Both are sales. But the main difference is the amount of research work and the time you spent on the closing one sale. So if you are talking about a corporate sale, you basically look at the various stakeholders involved will make the final decision and abort the story that we need to have for each one of those people. So typically it takes more time and lot more involved efforts to close the same. Of course we trust the competition as well. […]
Transcript: So primarily enter your project aspect of project management like we have 1000 dollars of project that will tell me how many people I will have on project so there is cost associate with each person and there is some profit margin so how many people should we keep on a team and give them project so that is one aspect of man management or people management secondly to insure that people are doing what they suppose to do […]
How did you implement new technologies into your business? (Atul Tulshibaghwale – CEO – LinguaNext Technologies Pvt. Ltd.)
What are the basic qualities that Indian multinationals and global giants expect in a fresher? (Madhuri Sen – Managing Director – Waggener Edstrom Worldwide)
What is software development life-cycle and how it is different from software testing life-cycle? (Bijuraj Balkrishna – Sr.Manager,3DPLM Software Solutions Ltd.)
Transcript: One thing that you all should know very clearly, when you mark upon this career of marketing and sales their perspective is basically to look into the ability to speak, which mean you must be extrovert, you must know what’s happening in the current domain of your industry, you must have the ability to be able to convince people and be very straight forward and honest because honesty is something which will pay you absolutely the rich evidence in […]
What are the different types of six sigma? (Atul Patil – Managing Director – IKSC Knowledge Bridge Pvt. Ltd.)