Is there a way to break monotony of life by indulging in social activities? (Kongsberg – Defence Communications)
Is there a way to break monotony of life by indulging in social activities? (Gen.Ravindra Singh – Kongsberg – Defence Communications)
Is there a way to break monotony of life by indulging in social activities? (Gen.Ravindra Singh – Kongsberg – Defence Communications)
Does giving your 100% means living in present or there is some more meaning to it? (Dr. Anjan Bhattacharyya – Ex – Commissioner of Hospitals)
How important is honesty in this fiercely competitive age? (Anurag Bhatnagar – General Manager,the Westin,Pune)
Tell us something about your career and journey till now. (Akshay Shah – COO – iWeb Technology Solutions Pvt Ltd.)
What role does a fresher play in large organization or in a multinational? (Amit Singh – Founder – AmiWorks Solutions Pvt. Ltd.)
How do you get started in this business? (Bhavin Shah – Director – Yesha IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd.)
What is thought leadership in absolution and in context of corporate environment? – (Abhijit Dandekar, CEO, Sentio Technologies Pvt. Ltd.)
What skill sets do IT services companies look in freshers to get into IT services? (Bhushan Aher – Head – Technology – Ideacts Innovations Pvt.Ltd)
What are the most important things you have done to grow your business? – (Avinash Sethi , Chief Marketing Officer- Innovizetech)
What are the different types of Web Technologies and how are they different from each other? (Ketan Chawda – Director – IT Head – Nucleus GIS and ITeS Ltd.)