How do you get started in this business? (CEO – Creative IT Indian Pvt. Ltd.)
How do you get started in this business? (Chinar Deshpande – CEO – Creative IT Indian Pvt. Ltd.)
How do you get started in this business? (Chinar Deshpande – CEO – Creative IT Indian Pvt. Ltd.)
What is your message to the students? – (Shashikant Padalkar, CEO, Projectcel technologies)
How do one prepare for a software testing career? (Mukesh Rajpurohit – Senior Manager Operations – QED)
Transcript: When are say servlet , servlet are your server side programing for web based application now before servlet came into existence we were using something call as CGI that is common gateway interface now CGI technology is again use to developing a dynamic web applications. (Minakshi Salve – Senior Lecturer – Amplify Mindware)
How important is communication – written,verbal or body language while joining a multinational? (Kranti Munje – Sr VP – HR and OD – Medusind Solutions Pvt. Ltd.)
Transcript: Engineers typically got join in core industry I mean automotive industry civil industry they could join the multiple places they could join software industry electronic industry. Now you have the MBAs depending on their specialization again join multiple fields within the industry if a guy is MBA in HR he could join the HR department any of the industry similarly you take finance and marketing which is again very cross industry kind of function and the person fit in […]
Your mantra of success.(Sandeep Yadav – Operations Head – Infosys Ltd).
Tell us something about your career and journey till now. (Sujit Karpe – Head Deliveries – Ecotech IT solution Pvt. Ltd.)
How important is honesty in this fiercely competitive age? (Prakash Sharma – Executive Head, India Operations – The Digital Group Infotech)
After working for few years there comes a monotonous feeling,how should we keep our enthusiasm for a long run? (Rachana Mane – Senior Manager,Global Client Services – EXLService Holdings Inc)