What is the recruitment process of your company? (CEO – LinguaNext Technologies Pvt. Ltd.)
What is the recruitment process of your company? (Atul Tulshibagwale – CEO – LinguaNext Technologies Pvt. Ltd.)
What is the recruitment process of your company? (Atul Tulshibagwale – CEO – LinguaNext Technologies Pvt. Ltd.)
Transcript: If you have a right skill set also coming from IIT/IIM you automatically have a plus brassiness attach to it not all IITans student are successful neither financially nor academically nor socially you must know that all 100 % of IITans are not all super brilliant but many other non IITans done equally well if not better Example non IITans got more noble prizes then an IITans and one can say that noble prize is not for computer science […]
Transcript: Usually the entry level of a graduate engineer is one grade lower than the MBA afterwards they can all catch up only at the entry time that the MBA have an edge and put MBA stock CA at entry point there is a slit edge of one grade so let say a lead of 2 year average and may be a salary lead of 3 lakh p.a after you start rising in the leader knowledge is defiantly important and […]
To be a digital marketer,what are the technical terms he needs to be familiar with? (Sandeep Israni – Business Head – Bright Brain Technologies)
How to keep control on a cash flow? (Rajan Darekar – C.E.O – Span Controls)
What are the basic survival skills required to run a business? (Akshay Shah – COO – iWeb Technology Solutions Pvt Ltd.)
Which is most important parameter, Aptitude, Attitude or skills? (Abhijeet Dandekar – CEO – Sentio Technologies Pvt. Ltd.)
What importance do the right looks and personality hold for professional ? – (Indu Rao – Senior Corporate Trainer)
Tell us something about your journey till now. (Mukesh Rajpurohit – Senior Manager Operations – QED)
In the crowed of parents, relatives, teachers, friends, acquaintances and others, how will a student discover himself or herself and what is the need for self discovery? (Dr. Anjan Bhattacharyya – Ex – Commissioner of Hospitals)