Tell us something about the career prospects for students in the IT domain.(Swan Solutions)
Tell us something about the career prospects for students in the IT domain.(Mohammad Sutarwala – MD Swan Solustions)
Tell us something about the career prospects for students in the IT domain.(Mohammad Sutarwala – MD Swan Solustions)
What are the basic communication skills expected from a new recruit in terms of written and verbal communication? (Bobby Singh Chandel – Founder & CEO – Edusharp)
How important it is to be honest in this fiercely competitive age? (Bhavin Shah – Director – Yesha IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd.)
What are the basic qualities that Indian multinational as well as global giants look in a fresher? (Amit Singh – Founder – AmiWorks Solutions Pvt. Ltd.)
How should student prepare at graduation level or fresher level to have a career in hospitality? (Sudhir Jena – General Manager – Oakwood Asia Pacific)
What is Microsoft Dynamics? (Satish Pendse – President,Highbar Technologies Ltd.(HCC Group Company))
What are the basic skills expected from a new marketing executive to achieve milestones in digital marketing? (Siddharth Hegde – Managing Director – Ethinos Digital Marketing)
Is there any company policy that only MBAs can become CEO of the company? – (Suman Mohandas HR and Operation Head – Zeus Numerix Ltd.)
Tell us something about your illustrious career. – (Sudhir Jena, General manager, Oakwood Asia Pacific)
Tell us something about your career and a journey till now.(Abhijit Ganguly – CEO, QED)