What is SEO? (Founder – Geekyworks)
What is SEO? (Anant Singh, Founder – Geekyworks)
What is SEO? (Anant Singh, Founder – Geekyworks)
Have any html elements changed their meaning or how they are used? (Amit Singh, Founder – Amiworks Solution Pvt. Ltd.)
What is the yearly freshers recruitment requirement of your company? (Anant Singh, Founder – Geekyworks)
What are the most crucial things you have done to grow your business? (Gautam Rege – Co-founder and Managing Director-Josh Software Private Limited)
How should a student manage stress in the fiercely competitive age? -(Indu Rao – Senior Corporate Trainer)
Now that’s a general question, not specific to apple technologies. The biggest example of third party software would be java based apps. Let’s take an example; the Symbian O.S. has its native apps which are made using the Symbian SDK which are typically programmed in C++. The Symbian OS platform which used to run on Nokia still runs also supported the JVM now Nokia and the Symbian organization did not have any control or monitoring or any kind of certification for the huge amount of java apps and […]
How and when does a student become a professional? (Vinod BK – AVP Client Services – Medusind Solutions Pvt. Ltd.)
What role does a fresher play in a very large organization? (Shashikant Mohite – CMD – SQTL Integrated Solutions Pvt.Ltd.)
Tell us something about your illustrious career and journey till now. (Prachi Kulkarni – VP Technology and consultant – Fidal SoftTech Pvt. Ltd.)