Your mantra of success and message to the students. (Management Consulting – Upohan)
Your mantra of success and message to the students. (Advait Kurlekar – Management Consulting – Upohan)
Your mantra of success and message to the students. (Advait Kurlekar – Management Consulting – Upohan)
Transcript: As individuals, we all are born sellers. When it comes to selling we all know right from the childhood we know different name such as being a stubborn person or being an arrogant person or persuasion person, all since our childhood, we have been doing nothing else but we are actually into selling be it to our parents, teachers, principal, and peers. For example, whenever you wanted to go for a movie, you always convince your parents, right! That […]
What are the basic survival skills required to run a business? (Atul Tulshibaghwale – CEO – LinguaNext Technologies Pvt. Ltd.)
Why didn’t we hear about IT IMS before? (Prashant Pokarna – Practice Head, IMS – Seed Infotech Ltd.)
Transcript: The growth path of an individual in a international marketing domain is definitely very high profile career path where in apart from traveling and seeing various countries, its culture, languages, and you get lot of exposure to the way different market behaves, how they interpret a situation. One situation can be interpreted as two different tangential in two different markets, you are able to relate to how the market reacts to your products and services. It definitely brings a […]
Transcript: The java have a huge scope not that just u build applications the programmer get into the domain of developing the virtual machine which basically access by core interpreter there are many jobs which are also offer in terms of customizing the virtual machine or creating virtual machine for new operating system so that’s one area where you are totally not concern with the classes and the library but you are creating the interpreter for java application to run. Java have huge presence […]
What are the different career options available for a fresher in web technologies? (Sachin Mohite – General Manager – ShawMan Software Pvt Ltd)
Tell us something about your career and journey till now. (Puneet Mahajan – General Manager – Kohinoor Elite Hotels Pvt Ltd.)
Your mantra of success and message to the students. (Surinder Singh – General Manager – Taj Hotels Resorts and Palaces)
What according to you should be the top 2-3 point for students while choosing their career and later appearing for interviews? (Kuldeep Singh – Human Resource Head – Melstar Information Technologies Ltd.)